Entrepreneurs’ Organization: The Truth Booth

“Truth Booth” video concept earns increased engagement

SERVICES: Video concept & development


As the world’s largest peer-to-peer network for entrepreneurs, EO possessed a vast library of inspiring member stories. But their typical talking-head style testimonial videos weren’t connecting with prospects as they had in the past. With low engagement and usage, the US Central Region committee turned to Muse to revive the outdated video strategy.

EO flew our video crew to three member events in Cabo San Lucas, Austin and Sheboygan to create evergreen video content that could be leveraged across marketing and sales platforms.


We leaned into that tension, knowing that we needed take a journalistic approach to video storytelling. This would require two tactics: 1.) Asking the right questions and 2.) Creating a relaxing environment to gain honest, unscripted feedback.

EO TruthBooth Case Study Design
video content
EOC Poster Mockup V4
MASTER EO TruthBooth
EO Truth Booth Case Study Design
CMA21 Finalist

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